Monday, June 4, 2012

Commenting on a YouTube video is like sniffing a fart!

Recently I viewed a video on YouTube in which I commented negatively on it, saying that "I clicked [the link] to the video, just so that I could thumbs it down.

Naturally, I got something like 39 likes on it (because I care so much and social media is just a popularity contest), so that means it's open season for some people to make their rebuttals.

I wouldn't say rebuttals so much as slander.

For example:
Get a fucking job bro...
A reply, made 3 days ago, to my comment made at least 2 weeks ago.

So I replied as so:
Still a student. But good advice, next time I'll think before writing a seemingly unimportant comment on a pseudo-anonymous social network/sharing site. Thanks!
I waited a few days before he replied as so. And I am not paraphrasing, this is exactly what he wrote.
No worries, fag fart smell.
He then went ahead and corrected his message, and wrote:
Fag* fart smeller...

So now, his entire insult is as follows.
No worries, Fag fart smell fart smeller. ...
 Good work on the English language department there, and also a very good method of having to correct your own message just to make sure I can understand it.

My reply questioned his insult; I mean it's already been established that he's an idiot by resorting to insulting rather than constructively arguing, so I felt it was the same to reply sarcastically instead of trying to play his game.
Don't you think that one of those insults is a bit redundant? I mean, the insult "fag" is fair enough, but to add another noun/verb title to the already devastating insult is a bit silly. For reference, are you calling me someone who sniffs farts made exclusively by homosexuals? Or are you calling me a fag, and then daringly continuing to say that I also sniff farts?
So there you go: because I had the audacity to comment negatively on a video saying "I was literally bored enough to thumb down the video I hated", means that  I sniff farts excreted by gay people.


I received a message just recently (within the last 5 minutes) from my friend. 
So I nitpicked with his comment. So what?
His reply was:
Get a life for your exams like I am...Wtat are you doing anyway? ''Introduction to Retardedness" or some shit you felching gay fuck stain! I'm a student as well, yet I work... God I love keyboard warriors who like their own comments...!

As I pointed out to this person, there are many things wrong with his comment.
First off. And this is really petty of me, but how can he tell me to get a life when he's doing the same thing as me? Is that hypocrisy at its finest, or is he God's gift to multitasking? If you ever tell me to get a life; I instantly assume you're getting blown by a really hot upper class female while sitting in a club in Downtown Manhattan. And if you aren't, then I assume you're a retard and that you don't deserve to breed.

The next thing I noticed was his rhetorical question. It was as if to imply intimacy, just to deny me the pleasure of replying by answering his question. "Introduction to Retardedness".
A cunning strategy for such an all-knowing master of language.
So I Google searched a definition of "Retardedness", and would you look at that, I couldn't find one! Is this man so intelligent that he invented a new word to express things he couldn't find in any other word, or is he just an idiot?

Next I noticed his insult. Again. "Felching gay fuck stain!" Is the exact quote. And I could tell he was being serious because it was a comment notable enough for an exclamation mark.
I did a definition search of "felching" and found this:
Felching is a sexual practice involving the act of sucking semen out of the vagina or anus of one's partner after sex. 
So he essentially just called me a "sexual practice involving sucking semen out of an anus or vagina gay fuck stain!" 
That's a great way to use a verb as a noun. Shit, this guy REALLY knows how to put it to people.

Then he goes on to explain that he's not only a student as well; but that he works too! 
No way. I would never have known; or cared. 
The statement implies that he's better than me because he has a job. Therefore he probably earns more money than me, right? 
Doesn't matter, because what he earns is directly contrasted with his intelligence.

Then he went to tell me that I'm a keyboard warrior. Funny thing is I didn’t see an entire unwarranted insult on my behalf, in the entire “argument”. So I really don’t know how he came to that assumption, considering I was only defending my own point of view (or more so myself, as he wasn’t trying at my point of view or arguing constructively, as anyone with half a brain will realize is actually the best method of seeming intelligent online).

Since this statement, I have received two more “arguments” from him:
No fag fart felching cum sucker out of another mans anus after you fucked him up there....Faggot alert! Gay-Dar alert!
Thank you....What a kind compliment from a cunt like yourself...Go study kid!

His "thank you" was in reply to my compliment, stating that his last statement (as noted above) was very intelligent, and that he is the pinnacle of the modern human.
I really do feel that he stopped trying to argue after my original breakdown of his points; after all, he  can then claim that he was trolling if he gets his ass handed too badly to him. The problem that I have with these people is that they try to make themselves out to be on some sort of Holy Crusade against people with different opinions to them. What they don't understand is that to be able to start an argument you really should develop a thesis which you want to argue, and then make sure you actually HAVE arguments to support your claims.
Not only did this person not have a thesis (and hence, any argument in support), but he didn't have any common sense.
He told me to study, but he forgot to mention that out of him taking the time to reply to my comments (the average 2 line comment took around 8 minutes for him to think up; probably because of his incessant need for a thesaurus), he hasn't been studying at all himself. 

So after "studying" I found these comments this person has also made on YouTube, either to another user, or towards the video or content of the video:

Go fuck a duck you unemployed/non-student arse licker...Yeah you heard me, fuck some men in their arseholes, felch him, burp, and go back for a second helping you faggot.
Right off the bat is something stupid. "Go fuck a duck"... "yeah you heard me, fuck some men in their arseholes". I can't make this shit up, really. This tool just told someone to "fuck a duck", then confirmed what he said (on a text-based medium) by contracting his original statement and changing "duck" to "men".

Eminem was clearly fucked up offa methadone, hydrocodone, oxycodone, MDMA, marijuana, psylocibin mushrooms, diazepam, zoplicone, from about 1992 (20) to about late 2008 (36). 16 year addiction is pretty hard to break. Michael Jackson sucked it in the end. 
 He sucks dick. He wrote that shit down. New York hates Justin Gayber. He can suck a dick!
This as incredibly lame. For a starters, the nigga said some shit about 'Fuck Suge Knight" and Kurupt was like who the fuck is this nigwit? He's a wannabe street thug....Fuck this nigwit who mad eh=this video. I want my 3:58 seconds back for watching this shit and typing this response...
This particular comment irked me. If you want your time back, how about you be more intelligent with writing, and instead of taking your time (averaging 4 minutes per line) to write something non-constructive or intelligent, just don't write anything at all? Not everyone needs to see your writing, dipshit.
Eminem is still a member of D-12 you douchebag! What the fuck do you know?
Fuck, I'd hate to live in the South of the U.S.A., wherever inbred motherfuckers like this racist lowest form of human shit reside!
Oh, the irony of that statement. It really is something else. Holy shit this guy is an idiot.
you suck cock, don't you smartarse?
 So not only is he intolerant; he's an idiot. He has shown he has a rudimentary ability to pull facts from his ass from Wikipedia, even when they're not necessary or even that relevant (see: his expert list on drugs Eminem used from 1992 to 2008).
Way to go dipshit! By encouraging me to study, you have, yourself, lost out on precious study time while you had to read, interpret, translate, and then reply to my comments.
And from the comments I made, and the comments he made, I think he's the one that needed the study the most. 

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