Tuesday, June 5, 2012

YouTube ads, by request

This will probably be a short one because I really don't understand why faggots still complain about ads.

If ads on YouTube keep YouTube free, then so be it. YouTube is a company, just like almost every other website. It's ethical to make sure that the people who use the website are the ones contributing to the upkeep of it; and Hell, the ads could be a LOT worse than they are.
The way I see it, a 15 second ad is better than a 30 second ad you can't skip. And I'm talking about websites like NHL and NineMSN which, every time you watch a video, will bombard you with a 30 second ad.

Non-intrusive is a big part of the site. Yeah, it's there and very noticeable, and yeah, sometimes it IS intrusive. But fuck people, you've got two options. Either you fix it. And I mean stop using it; boycotting, getting public awareness on it. Hell, even paying for the costs of upkeeping the website and its millions of gigabytes of user-submitted content.
Or you just nut up and deal with it. It's as simple as that.

About two years ago, when intrusive ads first started appearing on YouTube, I was violently in opposition of them. Why? Because I figured, I was paying money for broadband to do things I wanted to do online, not to watch ads.
Now while my old argument is slightly valid, it is only because at the time of writing I was heavily capped in my internet allowance per month.

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